Using aquaponics, we can grow virtually any vegetable or plant (with exceptions like Brussel sprouts; but no one enjoys eating Brussel sprouts.) With so many recipes to cook, it can be intimidating to step outside of our comfort zones and create dishes with our leafy greens. We've curated five of our favorite simple, easy to make recipes that use crops you can grow with your aquaponics system! Even if you don't have a system of garden of your own, don't let that discourage you from part-taking in these tempting recipes.

Recipe Link:
What better way to kick off this list than to begin with the first recipe we ever attempted? This five step process is simple, easy, and produces refreshingly tasty chips. The recipe listed above is our favorite to use! The basic seasonings leave expansion for creativity to flow! We suggest opting for pink Himalayan salt or Kosher salt instead of iodized. You could sprinkle paprika, pepper, or drizzle on Siracha to create more complex notes to the chips. If you create this recipe, we would love to see it! You can send us photos through our Instagram, Twitter, or email.

Recipe link:
We have been growing Swiss chard in our garden beds currently, and they are coming out amazing. When they mature, we'll need someway to use them, so why not in this lovely-sounding recipe? Swiss chard serves as an amazing side dish. As someone who believes in working smarter and not harder, it only makes sense to spend the least amount of time on the side while receiving splendid results. The garlic will combine perfectly with the salt in this recipe. Send us photos of your sautéed garlic Swiss chard! We'd love to see your creations.

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Finding recipes to use your vegetables in can be hard. A common misconception about vegetables is that they're "sides only" foods. This is completely untrue, and to the members of the Aquapunx, blasphemy. Vegetables can do so much for a dish; enhancing its flavors, adding healthy elements into it, and creating visual aesthetics are just some out of the many ways they're useful. In this case, the lettuce in this recipe does two things; adds a healthy element in, but most importantly showcases that vegetables can in fact exist as something other than a side dish or salad. These BLT wraps are simple snacks, perfect for picnics, lunches, and practice snacks. You can tell us how your wraps turn out through our email located at the bottom of this page.

Recipe link:
It is actually very surprising how well peppers grow in aquaponics systems (and hydroponically.) The title of this recipe seems very daunting, but once you click the link to this delicious recipe, you'll see it's not as scary or intimidating as you first suspected! This recipe leaves room for additions and changes, so have fun creating this pasta! On a side note, you'll learn a relatively easy way to make pasta sauce! Personally, I think it's the coolest part of this recipe!