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Aquapunx Consortium

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Combating food deserts by creating viable, sustainable food sources within communities using aquaponics.


About Us

We are the Aquapunx Consortium, based in Louisville, Kentucky, and are here to start a movement. Our community has been trapped in a food desert- an area with little to no access with fresh food- for too long. We use aquaponics to grow fresh vegetables for our community. With our project, we hope to strengthen our community and shed light on problems that must be resolved. 


To help increase the awareness of aquaponics and food security, we've forged a connection with multiple organizations and schools. Read below to see who we've partnered with and how we collaborate.

new roots fresh stop market

New Roots is a non-profit organization dedicated to selling fresh food to Louisville locals inexpensively. In this photo, we talked to Administrative Coordinator Sarah Dugan about successful branding. Click here to learn more about New Roots Fresh Stop Market.

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YouthBuild Louisville is an education, job training, and leadership program that provides low-income young adults ages 18-24 opportunities to realize their potential as active community leaders and an educated workforce for Louisville. YouthBuild donated to us a larger aquaponics system. Click here  to learn about the YouthBuild program.

youth build


hazard middle school

In late March, we visited Hazard Middle School in Hazard, Kentucky. We presented to them their own aquaponics system, teaching them how to set it up and how they can use aquaponics to help subside their food desert. It was interesting seeing how even though we live three hours away from each other, we still face the same problems regarding food security.

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Our YouTube channel - linked below - features in-depth videos that talk about aquaponics, food security, aquaculture & hydroponics, and more. It also features our podcast, the AquaPod. on the AquaPod, we discuss an array of topics relating to our club and mission.

Anabelgica explains the Nitrogen cycle in this video. On our channel, you can find more videos that explain how aquaponics works!




Youtube & Podcast
Aquapunx in the Media

Aquapunx in the Media

We have been featured in multiple newspapers, including the Courier Journal, WYMT news, Portland Anchor, and Earth Eats. You can find a link to each article below.

Courier journal

Click below to read about us in the Courier Journal!

WYMT news

During our visit to Hazard Middle School, WYMT news interviewed us. Click below to read it!

Spectrum News

Click below to see our news segment on Spectrum News!


Earth Eats

Earth Eats, a blog by Taylor Killough, covers food security within communities. You can find us on her podcast linked below.


Since 2017, we have competed in the Student Technology Leadership Program (S.T.L.P.) 

In 2017, we scored a 99 at State, coming in second place for the middle school category and fourth place overall. In 2018, we scored a perfect 100 at Regionals. 



In the 2017-18 STLP competition, our group scored a 98 at Regionals and a 99 at State. At both competitions, we showcased our very first aquaponics system, our fill and drain system. JCPS awarded us the Best Showcase Project in JCPS and Highest STLP score in JCPS. 

Our Awards
Our Awards
Our awards
Aquapunx Conortium 2017
Our 2017-18 team at Regionals
Aquapunx Consortium State 2018
State presenters 2018


in the 2018-19 STLP competition, we scored a perfect 100 at Regionals. We brought our fill and drip system again, but mentioned the development of our larger fill and drip system. 

Aqupunx Speakes 2018 Regionals
Regional presenters 2018

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2201 W Main St, Louisville, Kentucky

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